Picture: from left to right: Shidey Hammack, Janice McDermott, Mark Chustz, Shannon and Kevin Couhig. Not pictured: Mike Hammack, Carolyn and Cole Thornton.
What's happening in Louisiana's historic town of St. Francisville; where time slows just enough to enjoy the simple pleasures and unique treasures. Essays, blurbs, observations and photos from a small southern town with charm, history and friendship.
By Anne Butler
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For half a century the Freyhan School educated several generations of St. Francisville students, some even riding horseback from the surrounding countryside to attend classes, from which they were dismissed early on stormy days to get home safely before the creeks swelled with rainwater and became impassable. Other country students caught the train carrying cotton and passengers to the riverport beneath the school’s hilltop location, and one intrepid fellow even rowed across the Mississippi River every day for class. Today the alums of J. Freyhan School gather monthly in ever-dwindling numbers to share memories, and many of them will be present in person for the Open House November 11 in “their” school.
In addition, the dynamic director of St. Francisville’s active Main Street Program has enlisted the help of her talented videographer son to record for posterity oral histories related by a number of the earliest students, some now in their 90s. Elderly couples like the Bill Plettingers, married more than 70 years; brothers Ingram and Barrow Norwood of the early pioneering family of Barrows at Highland Plantation; historian Elisabeth Kilbourne Dart who has spent a lifetime carefully recording the history of the area and spearheading its proper preservation; Lucille Leake with whom the idea for the popular spring pilgrimage originated, and who insisted the children of the town learn to swim; the Temple family with their involvement in every aspect of local education as teachers and principals and school board members for generations; and a number of retired teachers and now-elderly students whose lives centered around Freyhan School---Laurie Walsh and son Shane have taped interviews of their fascinating recollections. These will be continuously shown during the Freyhan School Open House and will be preserved in the permanent collection of the museum planned for the future in the building. There will also be an accompanying display of vintage B&W photographs.
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Though it has not been used as a school for more than 50 years, the Freyhan School building retains its historic charm, the third-floor auditorium with ceiling of patterned tin and the impressive wooden archways and moldings crying out for restoration. Now the non-profit Freyhan Foundation plans to preserve the structure as a community cultural center and museum with exhibits interpreting early education in the area as well as the significant contributions of its 19th-century Jewish community. The public is invited to see what all the excitement is about at the bicentennial Open House at the school, where they will also be treated to a concert by the wonderful Community Choir, strong voices drawn from a variety of local church choirs, blues bands and other musical groups. The West Feliciana High School ROTC will honor local veterans of wars both past and present at the event to mark Veteran’s Day.
The bicentennial weekend commemorates St. Francisville’s founding 200 years ago as John H. Johnson laid out the little village on a narrow finger-ridge overlooking the Mississippi River. It soon became the cultural and commercial center of the rich surrounding plantation country. Today this charming Main Street Community, listed as an extensive National Register Historic District, is still very much alive and still the center of life in the area, its 200 years being celebrated by the debut this weekend of a book covering the life and times of the little town. The Spirit of St. Francisville has text by local author/historian Anne Butler and images by prize-winning Louisiana photographer Darrell Chitty, their words and superb full-color photographs capturing the very soul of the place and its people over the years. On Friday, November 9, at 6 p.m. the author and photographer discuss the book, sign autographs and show full-size images in 1819 Old Market Hall on Royal St. in St. Francisville, hosted by the West Feliciana Historical Society. On Saturday, Nov. 10, they sign books at Backwoods Gallery.
Also on Saturday, November 10, the wonderful array of little shops in downtown St. Francisville, many in restored 19th-century structures, host special Birthday Sales, and shoppers can have cards stamped to be eligible for a birthday present of their own. The Feliciana Stitchers hold a Quilt Show and Sale in downtown Parker Memorial Park on Commerce St. beginning at 9 a.m. At Birdman Books and Coffee, Arts at the Market showcases a month-long exhibit of members’ creations.
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The rolling hills and picturesque plantations of the Felicianas as well as the Victorian streetscape of downtown St. Francisville have long been favored by Hollywood for movies, beginning with such early classics as Otto Preminger’s “Hurry Sundown” and dashing Jeff Chandler in “Band of Angels.” Most recent production, “The Reaping” starring Hilary Swank, will be screened Saturday evening at the 4-H Barn as St. Francisville Main Street kicks off its annual autumn outdoors movie series, this year showcasing popular productions filmed on location in the area; the high school International Club provides concessions, viewers should bring lawn chairs or blankets, and admission is one canned good for the Food Bank. The bicentennial weekend also promises live musical entertainment at several venues; the popular Delta Drifters will be at Magnolia Café beginning at 8 p.m. Friday, while at 7 p.m. Saturday evening Dylan Sneed performs at Birdman Books and Coffee, and Cypress Grill also has live music.
Thanks to the longtime efforts of the dedicated West Feliciana Historical Society as well as some thoughtful zoning regulations and a vibrant, committed Main Street program, nearly all of downtown St. Francisville is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as an architecturally significant historic district that remains very much alive today, and it is most appropriate that its bicentennial celebration has been timed to coincide with the statewide Main To Main activities highlighting Louisiana’s incredibly varied array of Main St. Communities. THE SPIRIT OF ST. FRANCISVILLE 200 YEARS and Main To Main activities are made possible in part by grant funding from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, and Preserve America, as well as the local Main St. program and historical society.
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The St. Francisville area has much to offer visitors year-round, most especially in the fall when the Angola Rodeo enlivens every Sunday in October and the Tunica Hills with waterfalls and brilliant fall color beckon outdoorsmen. Every weekend there are art festivals, garden symposiums and other special events (see www.stfrancisvillefestivals.com). Six spectacular antebellum plantations are open for daily tours: Rosedown and Audubon State Historic Sites, The Myrtles, Greenwood, Butler Greenwood and The Cottage; Catalpa is open by reservation, and Afton Villa Gardens opens seasonally. Picturesque 19th-century structures throughout downtown St. Francisville are filled with an eclectic selection of little shops, and reasonably priced meals are available in a nice array of restaurants. Some of the state's best Bed and Breakfasts offer overnight accommodations ranging from golf clubs and lakeside resorts to historic townhouses and country plantations; a modern motel has facilities to accommodate busloads. Recreational opportunities abound in the Tunica Hills, with excellent hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, golfing and horseback riding, in addition to the superb birdwatching. For online coverage of tourist facilities and attractions in the St. Francisville area, see www.stfrancisville.us, www.stfrancisville.net, or www.stfrancisvilleovernight.com; or telephone (225) 635-3873 or 635-6330.
Benefiting St. Jude's Children Hospital
West Feliciana Parish Sports Park
So far some of the events are as follows and is growing
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Happy 200th Birthday
By Anne Butler
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by Darrell Chitty |
Some 200 years ago, John H. Johnson laid out the little village of St. Francisville on a narrow finger-ridge overlooking the Mississippi, and soon it would become the commercial and cultural center of the surrounding rich plantation country. The gently rolling hills and rich soil, the warm climate and long growing seasons proved ideal for the cultivation of first indigo and then cotton, and in the antebellum glory years of the Cotton Kingdom, many of the country’s wealthiest families lived along the Mississippi River from New Orleans to Natchez. The St. Francisville area claimed more than its share of them, and soon the area blossomed with magnificent manors with evocative names like Solitude and Rosebank, Oakley and Greenwood, The Cottage and The Myrtles, Wakefield, Live Oak, Ellerslie and all the rest.
Not everyone lived on a plantation, of course. The streets of St. Francisville and its sister port city Bayou Sara, though at first mere muddy thoroughfares clogged with cattle drives or wagonloads of cotton bound for shipment on flatboats and steamers, were soon lined with drygoods emporiums, boarding houses and a fine hotel, the seat of government along with plenty of saloons, libraries and livery stables, newspaper offices, churches and one of the state’s earliest Masonic lodges.
In 1819 the Audubon Market Hall was erected to house vendors hawking fresh produce and all manner of goods beneath its picturesque brick arches. The building has been restored by local preservationists and returned to present-day viability, as has much of the little town, which is lived in and loved and remarkably well preserved. Thanks to the longtime efforts of the dedicated West Feliciana Historical Society as well as some thoughtful zoning regulations and an active Main Street program, nearly all of downtown St. Francisville is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as an architecturally significant historic district.
Now, as St. Francisville prepares to celebrate its bicentennial, the old Market Hall will house, most appropriately, the debut of a book covering St. Francisville’s history from the very beginning. On Friday, Nov. 9, the West Feliciana Historical Society will host a public photo/painting exhibit and book signing featuring THE SPIRIT OF ST. FRANCISVILLE, a coffee table book full of superb full-color images of the area and its residents, its structures and special events. The book is a big birthday tribute to St. Francisville on the occasion of its 200th year. Its creators will also sign and sell books and prints all day Saturday at Backwoods Gallery next to Magnolia Café.
Trying to understand particular places and their importance in particular times, chroniclers of history have taken many approaches, from paintings to plays, from journals to volumes of books both fact and fiction. Just as St. Francisville’s visitors today see the results of the happy marriage of felicitous climate and fertile soil in the flowering of fabulous antebellum gardens, so this book happily joins the visual and verbal homages and paeans of praise sung by two artists, one Louisiana's top photographer and the other a local author who contributes that loving insider’s knowledge only a longtime resident-observer can provide. By combining images with words in this book, a true labor of love, photographer/painter Darrell Chitty and author Anne Butler have managed to capture just a bit of the magic of St. Francisville, its soul, its heart, its spirit, its timeless charm that is only enhanced by the patina of the passing of years.
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by Darrell Chitty |
More than a photographer, Chitty is truly an artist, a painter without paintbrush. Instead of canvas and paint pots, he creates veritable impressionistic masterpieces by painting with camera and computer, combining his modern technological skills with an abiding appreciation and in-depth knowledge of art history and the age-old techniques of the Old Masters. The consumate professional, twice named Louisiana Photographer of the Year, he conducts seminars and teaching workshops, and he has a following of patrons around the world who admire his courage in bursting the barriers of tradition to combine yesterday’s art heritage with today’s digital revolution to compose an entirely new artistic song.
But one of his favorite locations has for years been St. Francisville, and his passion for the area shows in the superb photographs in this book, which represent but a smattering of the sturdy salient souls and structures whose special contributions, both great and small, have mattered in the life of the little rivertown of St. Francisville in that part of Louisiana long called Feliciana, the Happy Land. This book is merely a tantalizing glimpse of the spirit of St. Francisville, offered by a 21st-century artist with the passion and talent to capture the elusive soul of a very special place in time.
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by Darrell Chitty |
The St. Francisville area has much to offer visitors year-round. There are six antebellum plantations open for daily tours: Rosedown and Audubon State Historic Sites, The Myrtles, Greenwood, Butler Greenwood and The Cottage; Catalpa is open by reservation, and Afton Villa Gardens opens seasonally. Picturesque 19th-century structures throughout downtown St. Francisville are filled with an eclectic selection of little shops, and reasonably priced meals are available in a nice array of restaurants. Some of the state's best Bed and Breakfasts offer overnight accommodations ranging from golf clubs and lakeside resorts to historic townhouses and country plantations; a modern motel has facilities to accommodate busloads. Recreational opportunities abound in the Tunica Hills, with excellent hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, golfing and horseback riding, in addition to the superb birdwatching. For online coverage of tourist facilities and attractions in the St. Francisville area, see www.StFrancisville.us, www.StFrancisville.net, or www.StFrancisvilleOvernight.com; or telephone (225) 635-3873 or (800) 789-4221. Visit www.StFrancisvilleFestivals.com for information on local festivals and events.
VIBES IN THE VILLE: St. Francisville, LA, showcases its musical heritage By Anne Butler
St. Francisville is the heart of Louisiana’s English plantation country, where every historic home had its grand Pleyel piano and gilded harp. The plantation mistresses were well schooled in the arts of hospitality and often entertained guests in the cool of the evening by playing classical selections on these musical instruments and usually singing as well. Sometimes families engaged string bands from New Orleans to play in outdoor pavilions for the entire summer, the strains of the music floating out over the night breezes to be enjoyed by neighboring plantations as well. Being right along the Mississippi River, the little town was also influenced by the musical entertainments provided on the floating palaces called riverboats, with New Orleans jazz livening up the voyage as the boats drifted along, the passengers gathering in the luxurious salons or ballrooms to enjoy the tunes. And the little riverport of Bayou Sara just down the hill from St. Francisville was not without its cultural offerings as well, though the Opera House it boasted dated from the years when what was billed as an “opera house” more often showcased trained monkeys and black-face vaudeville minstrels than purely operatic arias.
But if St. Francisville has an indigenous music, it is surely gospel, that old hand-clapping, soul-stirring heartfelt musical art form born of sacred Negro spirituals married to the “devil’s music” of the blues, music designed to move its listeners physically and spiritually. Black gospel music drew heavily on the traditional spirituals passed down from slavery days, when the church provided the central focus of the community and the only uncensored outlet for uniquely black musical expression. The spirituals in turn drew heavily from tribal African music. The slave masters on southern plantations forbade the African drums and dances, but they couldn’t still the music, which took root in the soil of the New World and blossomed into a whole new product. Here, the African tradition of call and response, with its strong rhythmic meter set by drums and other percussive instruments like dried animal bones, would mingle with European traditions of harmony and a wider variety of musical instruments to create a new African-American style of music (think of Ray Charles’ What’d I Say). Across the St. Francisville area after the Civil War the fertile fields sprouted a prolific crop of small black Baptist churches, each with a multi-generational choir raising a joyful music to the Lord, and today the gospel tradition is alive and well in the area.
Music, including the indigenous gospel and the later sounds it influenced over the years, will be the focus of a unique celebration in St. Francisville on Saturday, August 25, a music festival called Vibes in the ‘Ville. The event will be St. Francisville’s contribution to the ambitious statewide initiative grandly called the World Cultural Economic Forum, described by Lt. Governor Mitch Landrieu as an attempt to leverage the state’s unique heritage and to ensure that it remains the driving force and embodiment of a global cultural economy. Designed to be the cornerstone of Louisiana’s economic revitalization, this first annual affair will bring together cultural ambassadors, educators and arts and cultural leaders coinciding with the anniversaries of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Across the state there will be special exhibits and events focusing on Louisiana’s unique cultural heritage and doing what Louisianans do so well, celebrating with food and music, art and dance, literature and plenty of optimistic joie de vivre. The workshops, exhibits, events, programs and performances, all sponsored by the Office of the Lt. Governor along with the state Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, promise to demonstrate the value of culture internationally and to shine the light on Louisiana’s multifaceted cultural industries. And indeed, as the state continues its recovery from the devasting hurricanes of 2005, its unique cultural heritage promises to be one of the bright lights along the way, attracting visitors from across the globe.
St. Francisville’s offering to this World Cultural Economic Forum will be a full day of music, ranging from children’s choirs to gospel groups to beloved local bands. From 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., the music will be accompanied by a variety of food offerings provided as fund-raisers by area nonprofit organizations, plus misters for cooling, tubs of ice and cold drinks; this is a non-alcoholic event. And how better to keep cool than with a big ol’ helping of homemade ice cream! These country folks know just how to make the best in the world, which will be proven at the Homemade Ice Cream Freeze-Off at 2 p.m., as competitors present their best efforts packed in ice; cash prizes provide the incentive for the ice-cream makers, and the chance to gobble up all the entries is sure to please the audience. Lively children’s activities are planned from 11 a.m. to noon, including a chalk-walk art activity (remember how fun it was to draw with chalk on the sidewalk?) and the making of musical instruments. Sandy Johnson will have the kids up and moving, singing and playing their instruments, and then Kevin Johnson will play songs for children. From 12 to 12:30 the featured musician is keyboardist James Williams, followed by “Friends of Friends” Amateur Hour. From 2 to 3 the New Magnolia Baptist Church choir sings traditional tried-and-true gospel songs the old-timey way, straight from the heart, followed by talented young dulcimer player Annie Fergus from 3:30 to 4 p.m. The dynamic world-famous Gospel Wonders perform from 4:30 to 5:30. Between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m., popular local bands take the stage: the Feliciana Band with its old-time rock and roll from 6 to 7 (dancing is mandatory, but leave those poodle skirts at home!), the Americana-bluegrass sounds of The Fugitive Poets from 7:30 to 8:30, and then the beloved bluesy Delta Drifters round out the evening from 9 to 10 p.m.
This is a fun music festival only a small-town community like St. Francisville could pull off, casual and comfortable, fun for all ages. All events will be held under the live oaks of Parker Memorial Park in the heart of historic uptown St. Francisville. They are all free and open to the public. For information, call 1-800-789-4221 or access online at StFrancisvilleFestivals or StFrancisville.us. The St. Francisville area has much to offer visitors year-round. There are six antebellum plantations open for daily tours: Rosedown and Audubon State Historic Sites, The Myrtles, Greenwood, Butler Greenwood and The Cottage; Catalpa is open by reservation, and Afton Villa Gardens opens seasonally. Picturesque 19th-century structures throughout downtown St. Francisville are filled with an eclectic selection of little shops, and reasonably priced meals are available in a nice array of restaurants. Some of the state's best Bed and Breakfasts offer overnight accommodations ranging from golf clubs and lakeside resorts to historic townhouses and country plantations; a modern motel has facilities to accommodate busloads. Recreational opportunities abound in the Tunica Hills, with excellent hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, golfing and horseback riding, in addition to the superb birdwatching. For online coverage of tourist facilities and attractions in the St. Francisville area, see www.stfrancisville.us, www.stfrancisville.net, or www.stfrancisvilleovernight.com; or telephone (225) 635-3873 or 635-6330. |
By Anne Butler
Photos by: Henry Cancienne
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The Feliciana Hummingbird Celebration will begin with a reception on Friday evening, July 27, at Rosedown Plantation State Historic Site, 12501Hwy.10, St. Francisville. Beginning at 6 p.m., visitors can enjoy wine and cheese while strolling the gardens of Rosedown. At 6:45 p.m., speakers David and Tracey Banowetz will present a program on gardening with native plants to attract birds and wildlife. The presentation is based on their experiences in landscaping their former home in suburban Baton Rouge. Admission is $10.
The festival will continue on Saturday, July 28. From 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., hummingbird biologists Linda Beall and Nancy Newfield will capture and band birds at two private gardens in the St. Francisville area. Visitors will have the opportunity to observe hummingbirds up close as they are weighed and measured. In addition, vendors will be at both homes with hummingbird plants, birding equipment, books, and crafts available for sale. Experts will be on hand to share advice about gardening, binoculars, and more. The gardens include the home of Carlisle Rogillio at 15736 Tunica Trace (Hwy. 66) and Murrell Butler at 9485 Oak Hill Road. In addition, the gardens of Hollywood Plantation, the home of Glenn and Eleanor Thomas, 9441 Sligo Road, will be open from 2 p.m. until 5 p.m., offering hummingbird observation and light refreshments. A $5 fee covers admission to all three gardens.
For more information visit www.audubo nbirdfest.com or call 1-800-488-6502
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THE DAY THE WAR STOPPED in St. Francisville, Louisiana by Anne Butler
The procession was not an impressive one, certainly not an unusual event in the midst of a bloody war, and it would no doubt have escaped all notice but for one fact--this was the day the war stopped, if only for a few mournful moments.
And so Lt. Commander John Hart was laid to rest in the Masonic burial lot in the cemetery of Grace Episcopal Church, whose bell tower had made such a tempting target for his shells. Episcopal services were conducted by the Reverend Mr. Daniel Lewis, rector of Grace, and respect was paid by
On Saturday, June 16, downtown St. Francisville’s main street is These activities are all in historic downtown St. Francisville, and all are
Located on US Highway 61 on the Mississippi River between Baton Rouge, LA, and Natchez, MS, the St. Francisville area is a year-round tourist destination, Photographs, including high-resolution pictures, available upon request from pat@bluegoosemedia.com. |
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PICNICKING IN THE PARKS: ST. FRANCISVILLE, LOUISIANA, OFFERS OLD-FASHIONED PLEASURES By Anne Butler Picnics used to be one of the most highly anticipated of pleasures, whether they were beside bubbling creeks, in sun-drenched meadows filled with wildflowers, or in some urban greenspace with traffic roaring along the periphery. The picnickers themselves might be lovers snatching a few magical moments together, or they might be sunburnt children toting fishing poles along with their baskets of goodies. And as for the picnic fare, it could range from gourmet goose liver pates and imported vino in baskets equipped with fine silverware and china to PB&J “sammiches” and a Mason jar of sweet tea in a brown paper sack. But somehow it all tasted divine on a picnic. ![]() Some of the most memorable picnics began at Catalpa Plantation near St. Francisville in the old days, when Miss Mamie and Miss Sadie doted on young visitors and would send them out into the lovely landscaped grounds with picnic baskets so heavily laden that the gardener had to be dispatched as bearer for the expedition. There would be fried chicken, dainty finger sandwiches with crusts removed, tiny tarts with lemon filling or perhaps pecan, deviled eggs, chicken salad, old-fashioned tea cakes, fresh strawberries, pink lemonade with maraschino cherries, all to be devoured on a patchwork quilt spread beneath the live oaks amidst the blossoming hydrangeas and the drooping pink indigo blooms. At every historic home near St. Francisville, the same scene was repeated, though perhaps not with quite such elan. Residents and visitors to the St. Francisville area today can still enjoy picnics just as much; it simply takes a little advance planning to discover the perfect spot, but this region has a myriad of possibilities. There are also a number of small restaurants that offer delectable take-outs for picnicking, and even a new wine bar offering lots of liquid enhancements for the picnic fare. ![]() Informed visitors of course know to make their first stop the West Feliciana Historical Society museum and visitor center in the heart of St. Francisville, where information is dispensed, suggestions made, and the friendly staff make sure nobody misses a thing in this scenic unspoiled garden spot of Louisiana. There are even a few picnic venues right in the Historic District of St. Francisville, all of it listed on the National Register. Tiny pocket parks dot the streetscape, and spacious Parker Park, donated to the town for public use, provides the perfect spot for dining al fresco under the towering trees right in the middle of town, with a covered gazebo-bandstand and a war memorial as well. Several easily accessible picnic spots are not far southeast of St. Francisville along LA 965. The Audubon State Historic Site commemorates the famed artist-naturalist John James Audubon’s arrival in St. Francisville by steamboat in 1821, penniless and with a string of failed business ventures behind him, but rich in talent and dreams, having set for himself the staggering task of painting all of the birds of the immense fledgling country. Hired to tutor the beautiful young daughter of Oakley Plantation, now preserved as Audubon State Historic Site, he was allowed his afternoons free to roam the woods, sketching and collecting specimens, painting a large number of his famous bird studies and cutting a dashing figure with long flowing locks, frilly shirts and satin breeches. Picnickers are welcomed at Oakley upon payment of the small park admission fee, with tables in the open and under a covered pavilion, easy walking trails and guided tours through the historic home. Nearby is The Nature Conservancy’s Mary Ann Brown Preserve, over 100 acres of deep ravines and loblolly pine forests donated for the enjoyment of the public in memory of a beloved daughter. The site features interpretive trails and is open daily for hiking. School or scout groups have access to picnic areas and primitive camping sites by advance reservation; call The Nature Conservancy at 225-338-1040. ![]() Northwest from St. Francisville range the rugged Tunica Hills, unspoiled wilderness area perfect for picnickers who want to include a little hiking along with the eating. Rare hilly land formations found only in a narrow strip from West Feliciana on north into Tennessee, the Tunica Hills are loessial ridges created tens of thousands of years ago by dust storms of the Glacier period which swept in from the western plains carrying powdery fertile soil to form vertical cliffs up to 90 feet high resting on the sand-clay bottom of an ancient sea bed. Botanists and zoologists find that the deep cool ravines of this unique microclimate harbor rarities like wild ginseng, Eastern chipmunks and other flora and fauna found nowhere else in Louisiana. Bicyclists and picnickers appreciate the area's quiet country roads, some so ancient they began life as prehistoric game trails stamped indelibly into the soil of lands claimed by Native Americans long before the first Europeans arrived. Birdwatchers find the area still provides habitat for the same rich abundance of birdlife that so inspired artist-naturalist John James Audubon in the 1820's, and for experienced hikers, this is paradise The popular 700-acre Clark Creek Natural Area just across the Louisiana state line near Pond, Mississippi, has challenging trails leading to a series of spectacular spring-fed waterfalls, some cascading 30 feet or more into pools lined with huge clay boulders. The hills here are heavily forested, while the damp cool creekbeds provide habitat for rare trilliums, jack-in-the-pulpit, violets and a huge variety of ferns, mosses, lichens and mushrooms. The surrounding woodlands harbor a multitude of small mammals, whitetail deer, wild turkey and both resident and migratory birds, as well as a few endangered species like the black bear. In the Pond community 13 miles west of Woodville, MS, and 20 miles northwest of the intersection of US 61 and LA 66 just above St. Francisville, LA, Clark Creek is open for daytime public use only. This is a steep, rugged area, with undulating ridges rising several hundred feet above the sandy creek bed in places. It is accessible only by foot; no hunting or motorized vehicles are allowed. There are primitive restroom facilities in the parking area just past the Pond Store, and there are shaded picnic tables within easy walking distance of the entrance. Daily Use Permit envelopes are available at the parking area kiosk for paying the $3 entry fee, and hikers should be sure to pick up park maps from the parking area (call 601-888-6040 for the Clark Creek Natural Area office) or from nearby Pond Store before entering the trail system. ![]() Not far to the northwest of St. Francisville the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (225-765-2346) maintains several separate tracts as the Tunica Hills Wildlife Management Area for public hunting, trapping, hiking, riding, birding, primitive picnicking (no facilities) and sightseeing, and has pamphlets delineating regulations governing its use. Work is also beginning on the 635-acre Tunica Hills State Preservation Area, which will encompass bluffs and bayous and interpretive centers telling the story of the early Tunica Indians and the later Civil War battle at nearby Como Landing, while introducing Louisiana's "flatlanders" to the wonders of this hilly unspoiled wilderness site. For more “civilized” picnic venues, visitors should try one of the St. Francisville area’s magnificent restored antebellum plantations, most of which permit picnicking on the grounds after touring the homes and paying the entry fees. Afton Villa Gardens welcomes picnickers to its luxuriously landscaped lawns during open hours, as does Rosedown State Historic Site, where picnic tables are provided near the reception center and the glorious Greek Revival home with surrounding formal gardens may be visited. Butler Greenwood Plantation permits picnicking on the oak-shaded grounds for visitors touring the 1790’s home or staying in the B&B cottages on site, while The Cottage Plantation, another of the early plantations with extensive grounds and fascinating historic outbuildings, allows picnicking only for overnight guests. The Myrtles Plantation has a “no picnicking” rule. At the free state museum at the gates of the Louisiana State Penitentiary, an expansion set for completion mid-July will make available a covered picnic pavilion with tables and rocking chairs. There is also the West Feliciana Sports and Recreational Park just north of town with natural trails, sports fields and picnic tables; it is open daily during daylight hours at no charge. The St. Francisville area abounds in sandy creekbeds, with access from most of the bridges, and of course there are the banks of the Mississippi River, but picnickers in these areas need to watch out for snakes. In a rural region like this, visitors would be well advised to pay attention to posted private property signs and to remember that barbed wire fences are usually there for a very good reason, which just might be a big ol’ brahma bull behind the next bush. Trespassing is never a good idea, and it isn’t necessary, because there are plenty of picnic spots that welcome visitors and provide the facilities and the setting to make for a perfect outing, not only enjoyable but also safe. And always remember, as the mantra goes, to leave only footprints and take only photographs. ![]() Now, as for filling that picnic basket: Since few of us are fortunate enough to have a Miss Mamie or a Miss Sadie to pack our picnic hampers for us, we’re lucky to have some local restaurants that can pick up the slack. Feliciana Seafood has some of the best fried chicken around as well as deli sandwiches, and fried chicken, that oldtime picnic staple, is also available at the Cracker Barrel convenience store and Church’s in St. Francisville. Magnolia Café and Audubon Café have specialty sandwiches and salads that make the perfect picnic fare, and don’t forget to add some of those gigantic Mag cookies for desert. Those with an ethnic hankering can get something to go from Que Pasa Mexican food, Sonny’s Pizza or East Dragon Chinese, and if the perfect picnic to you calls for a boudin link and a Dr. Pepper, try Benoit’s Country Meat Block. D’John’s has great barbecue, and Cypress Grill’s poboys would make delectable picnic fare as well. For gourmets, Varnadoe’s Carriage House at The Myrtles and The Oxbow both can provide delightful takeout feasts with advance notice, complete with beverages, as can the restaurants at The Bluffs. And the St. Francisville Inn now has a specialty wine bar where picnickers can savour old favorites or sample some new varieties before choosing a few bottles to pack into the basket; corkscrews, cheeses and all the necessities are available here. After picnicking, visitors should take advantage of all the St. Francisville area offers. There are six antebellum plantations open for daily tours: Rosedown and Audubon State Historic Sites, The Myrtles, Greenwood, Butler Greenwood and The Cottage; Catalpa is open by reservation, and Afton Villa Gardens opens seasonally, with spring usually the peak of its blooming season. Picturesque 19th-century structures throughout downtown St. Francisville are filled with an eclectic selection of little shops, and reasonably priced meals are available in a nice array of restaurants. Some of the state's best Bed and Breakfasts offer overnight accommodations ranging from golf clubs and lakeside resorts to historic townhouses and country plantations; a modern motel has facilities to accommodate busloads. Recreational opportunities abound in the Tunica Hills, with excellent hiking, biking, hunting, fishing, golfing and horseback riding, in addition to the superb birdwatching. For online coverage of tourist facilities and attractions in the St. Francisville area, see www.stfrancisville.us, www.stfrancisville.net, or www.stfrancisvilleovernight.com; or telephone (225) 635-3873 or 635-6330. |
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Mississippi Kites over Cat Island NWR Oil Painting by Murrell Butler |
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Bald eagle over Cat Island NWR photo by Patrick Walsh |
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Egrets in Cypress Swamp photo by Patrick Walsh |
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Woodland on this year's Audubon Pilgrimage tour. |
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Columns of Woodland |
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Author Anne Butler at previous Audubon Pilgrimage |
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Children at play during Pilgrimage |
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Azeala's of Grace Episcopal Church |